Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowed in Day 1

Well according to the weather man and Megan I need to batten up the hatches, as my Grandmother would say, and prepare to be stuck inside for a while. Here's an account of how the Mac's spent the snow day today.

 First, we got our cardio in for the day attempting to lift the large bag of dog food in the dining room. Don't judge me I know I haven't taken it downstairs yet! :)

Then we played with blocks! Although it was mainly Mike and I trying to build castles while Bennett would run by and knock them all down!

Oh...It's so exhausting playing with the blocks!

Then it was time for an art project! I may be biased but I think I have the next Picasso on my hands!

It's never a project until you've got paint all over your hands, in your hair, and on your nose and mouth!

"Picasso's" first work of art

 And to celebrate the end of the first day snowed in the house...a big (although ugly) comfy quilt and a glass of champagne! 


  1. I'm shocked mike doesn't have a shirt on

  2. I love this sequence of events.... and its great that he likes to put his hands in the paint and move it around. Of course nothing is complete without a final glass of champagne! Looks and sounds like a great snow day!
