Friday, March 25, 2011

A "Seussical" Day

Today is gone. Today was fun. 
Tomorrow is another one. 
Every day,
from here to there,
funny things are everywhere. 
~One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish~ Dr. Seuss

Today was fun. We had a visit from Bennett's Aunt Brandi. Went out to lunch (although Ben slept through it!). Began cleaning/organizing all of Bennett's old and too big clothes in the basement (I'll post pic's on a later date for that). Had pot roast for dinner which cooked in the crock pot all day and made the house smell delicious! It reminded me of when I was a child. Finally, I made an awesome recipe I got from another blog (get the recipe  here) for Via Cappuccino Muffins. Oh my goodness! That's all I have to say about these babies....YUM! Anyway, enjoy the pics from today....
Bennett with his mandatory kitchen utensils...can you tell that midnight shifts are wearing on Mike :)

Bennett found this hat in the basement and wore it around for at least an hour today...TOO CUTE!

Such a little man

I gathered my mise en place like a good little cook...haha

Do you see the wet ingredients....that would be the best smelling coffee ever!

Makes you want to lick the bowl

I know, I know, it's a little messy

Final product...a little blurry and trust me photos do not do this is DELICIOUS!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


As some of you know I work per diem for an area hospital's home care unit as a social worker. Well today I visited a woman who is 100 years old. That's right everyone 100 years old! As I sat and watched her daughter in law lovingly help her eat lunch and use the restroom (because the patient has a broken shoulder, not because she's 100 by the way) I thought to myself how I hope I have that someday. Not the broken shoulder or need for help going to the bathroom or even being 100 but that my family would love me enough to do those things for me and to still want me to live within minutes of them so that they can see me daily. DAILY! I don't even want to see me daily. And then here I was sitting and watching this family go through a typical day to day routine and all I could think about was how I hope that I show Bennett as much love and affection as this woman must have shown her son (and daughter in law) to make them want to be there for her now. The majority of my family lives only about an hour drive away and yet most of them I only see on holidays. My grandparents see my aunt more than me and she lives 16 hours away. This is just wrong. We all get busy with the day to day grind but I need to remember that family won't be here forever but dishes will. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day and it was gorgeous outside. So Bennett and I decided that cleaning, laundry, and all that could wait. We were heading out...
1st we went to Old Navy (one of my favorite places!) and spent a little money. Hey, I had a 30% off coupon. :) 
2nd we went to visit our good friends Megan and baby Cece and Jeff for like a minute. 
3rd we made a trip to Wal-mart to pick up stuff for dinner. 
4th we went on a walk with Daddy. 
5th we played in the yard. 
6th Grandpa Mac stopped by for an unexpected little visit   
7th we had a yummy "Irish" dinner. (not really Irish but hey, give me a break! lol) 
and 8th we had a bath, read a book, and went to sleep, WHEW! What a day! 

So, enjoy the pics and I hope your St. Patty's day was as fun as ours!  

I love playing in the leaves!

And collecting rocks!

Taking a little break

When I was young I had to walk uphill both ways...

Just too cute for words!

Look Momma!

I love being outside

Helping Daddy fill in the holes the dogs dug up

I just thought his eye was really pretty here :)

So hot after playing outside

Our "Irish" dinner: Reuben's made with pastrami, corned beef, thousand island dressing, coleslaw (instead of kraut) and sourdough bread (because I hate rye), brussel sprouts with bacon, and roasted fingerling potatoes with rosemary...YUM!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let the wild rumpus start!

As you can tell the bedtime story tonight was Where the Wild Things Are. I LOVE this book. It brings me back. I remember my brother (who bought this book for Bennett) requesting this at night almost weekly it seemed.

Bennett I believe has hit the terrible two's early. He is into everything! Unstoppable! By the end of the day I am just exhausted with him. But it's beginning to feel more like spring outside so hopefully if it stays this way we will be able to play outside more and burn some of his energy off. He's growing so fast I can't believe it. If feels like it was just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. It really goes so quickly. I look back at photos of him and think "Wow! You really were that small!" So although I'm anxious for spring and summer and all the fun it brings I sometimes wish I could stop time and bottle up his cute little giggles and grins in a jar so that I never forget the innocent laughter that fills my house these days.

Love it.

Like Momma or Daddy??

Seriously....this little man has grown into the toddler that he is today

My BIG boy!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Police Wife

Being a police officer is a thankless job. Being a police wife is not even thought about. We give our husbands a kiss and send him out the door hoping that society behaves for the night. We stiffen up each time we hear those sirens go through the town because we know that means they are putting their lives on the line. We hold our breaths when an unexpected knock at the door comes or a phone call while they are gone in fear that it is the dreaded Chief coming with bad news. We endure midnight shifts, overtime, meals alone, and broken plans all in the name of duty. We smile and nod when they say "Honey, I have to go." Because we know that someone needs their help more at the moment than us. We bite our tongues when people talk bad about cops because we know there is no point in arguing. I see signs/banners/stickers etc. everywhere for "Support the military, We love the troops, Firefighters save lives." While I wholeheartedly agree with all of those statements and trust me I know that their jobs are not any easier than my husbands and their wives deal with many of the same things a police wife does I wonder sometimes why no one says Thank God for the Police until they need them to come save their life. So maybe tonight while your driving your car, drinking your beer, or hanging out with a friend say a little prayer for the police that may not be protecting the "country" or putting out fires but are protecting you and the streets you live on. And just maybe take a sec to think of the wives.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Planting seeds...

Tonight we read The Little Red Hen. This is a classic book that I know many of us grew up with. Bennett and I, well I talked about the meaning of the story after. I know, I know he's only 1 but I come from a family of teachers so I believe it's never to early to start instilling the moral's of stories in my son. He may not understand now but he will someday. I never thought about how the moral of The Little Red Hen basically is if you don't put in the work you can't reap the benefits. I think maybe I needed this story tonight more than Bennett. Sometimes it feels as though you try and try for a goal but just don't reach it. Well, maybe the work just isn't done yet. I hope that someday the the seeds I'm planting in Bennett will show. That he'll grow into an intelligent, thoughtful, caring, cultured man who treats everyone with respect. So as I sit here tonight with toys surrounding me and dinner dishes still in the sink I'm happy. Because Bennett just may have learned something new tonight.

Oh! And by the way he now can say "Waffles," "Go" while pointing in a specific direction, and according to Mike he tried singing Row Row Your Boat while I was at a training today. He's growing up.

And since it's been awhile here are some pics...enjoy!

Bath time is so much fun! Especially with colored water and bath crayons!
Helloooooo in there....
Mike started brewing his own beer....this is his "label"
Mike and Jeff testing out the batch
Apparently it was a good thing that it was not cloudy or something....I'm not sure really but I liked the picture :)

My BIG helper! He loves dusting! And of course we have to have the obligatory wooden spoon in our hand too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

where do I begin???

It's been awhile since my last post but for the life of me I can't think of anything relevant that has happened. 
Mike is back on nights this month so that lends for more Bennett and Mommy time at night. Tonight we read "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" It's such a cute little book. I love when he will actually sit still for me long enough to read a book. 
Well like I said my brain just isn't really with it tonight. My thoughts are just somewhere else. 
