Monday, January 31, 2011

A day in the life...

Here are a few pictures from Nacho night! Although none of them involve nachos (i forgot to take pictures of them before devouring them!) This is Cece trying applesauce w/her probiotics in it.
YUM!! Applesauce! I want some!

Say "ahhhh Cece!"

She's a star already! So much paparazzi!    

Well now for today. My day started out pretty much like any other day. Ben drags it out...I clean it up...repeat. So, he was doing his new favorite game where he goes into his room and brings out a book for us to read. We did this several times and as I was waiting for him to bring out a new book I heard a clink clink clink noise coming from his room. I knew this could be nothing but trouble! This is what I found...
 Seriously? What one year old removes a vent! Only my son, the destructor! I have no idea what toys/books/trash/etc.. made the trip down the air duct before I caught him. The worst part is I couldn't be mad! I walk in and he looks up at me with his big blue eyes and the biggest grin ever on his face like "Look Mom! I did it!" He was so proud that he accomplished this that I couldn't help but just laugh. I guess now I'm going to have to super glue the vents on! j/k

Later today after Mike got up (he's working nights right now) Bennett and him made lunch. Here's a few shots of Bennett "helping."

I'll help stir!

Silly boys!
After lunch we made a trip to Wal-Mart. We forgot the food for the dogs, ugh! Anyway, you would have thought that we were never going to be able to leave our houses again! It was crazy! As we walked the aisles I noticed that the shelves were incredibly bare. For example the eggs...there were none! I mean come on people! However this was not the best part of the trip. As we were getting ready to check out we passed by a pallet of ice melt. We realized we had none and stopped to get some. Well of course the box was empty. I looked around and noticed 5 or so people standing around waiting. So I asked why. They said they were bringing more out. So we waited, yes we are a joiner! However, we were not as ridiculous as most of the people there. You would have thought it was Black Friday and it was a flat screen t.v. for a dollar! There were a good 10 or 15 people gathered by the time the new pallet came out and they attacked it! People were ripping the plastic off the box before the workers even had a chance to back away! We did get a bag but I noticed that by the time we were checking out, maybe 3 minutes later, it was all gone! I saw a woman with 8 or so bags. I mean c'mon lady, how big is your driveway?! I wish I would have had a camera with was hilarious! 

Well, as for me I'm going to snuggle up with my kindle and wait for Mike to get home. He had to go back to work for a few hours tonight. Hopefully I don't wake up to snow and ice everywhere, but if I do I have ice melt! Have a great night everyone!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I love my friends!

I had such a great night tonight! Got to eat some AMAZING nachos thanks to Susan and spend some time with the girls! Can't beat it! Little C is getting so big she's going to be chasing Bennett around in no time! The only thing that would've have been better is if Caleb could've came as well. He was missed. My good friend Brie made me an awesome flower hair clip. I can't wait to sport it. Although Mike said I looked like a kindergartener (is that a word?) in it but who listen's to him? He has no fashion sense! ;) (Love ya babe!)

Check out Brie's Etsy sight at As of typing this she doesn't have the clips on there yet but no worries she will!

Bennett also learned a new word tonight...GUM! Yes that's right everyone. I have a genius on my hands! :) Brie taught him it and it was too cute watching him point to the pack then say to her "Gum! Gum!" Then babble on in his own language.

Like I said before it was a great night. Nothing crazy but I am trying to enjoy the small things!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Another day in paradise...

Bennett decided that he wanted to be a baby again today...and this got me thinking about him as a baby.
The time really does go by so quickly. It feels like just yesterday he was like this.

 So I will try and live in the moment with him. Because before I know it he will be graduating high school, going to college, getting married, having babies of his own. I'm not ready for that. However, I will remind myself of the fact that he won't be little for long and I should enjoy it. Even when he's doing things he shouldn't do and running away from me with something he shouldn't have. So what if my house is messy and hasn't been dusted. I've got to play with my son. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today was a good day

Today was a good day. I spent time with some great friends, Megan and Jamie. I got to love on one of the most beautiful and precious baby girls in the world, Cece. I got a new hairdo...and most importantly...Bennett had "real" poo!

As I was brushing my teeth this morning I hear Mike exclaiming from the other room "Yay! Solid poopy!!" I know this doesn't mean much to most of you out there but those that have children or are around little kids know the importance of this. Bennett has been suffering with diarrhea for almost a week and today we celebrated. We celebrated because he had solid poop! (i.e. enjoying the small things) He was back to his old self today, running around and making a mess of everything. I'm glad that I have such a great little boy. He is so full of joy and is so mischievous. He always has a smile for you.  I'm also glad that I have a husband that will celebrate a good poo with me! So hopefully this means that the sickness has left the Mac house and we can go on enjoying...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Random thoughts today

"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." -Mother Teresa 

I spent the day today sitting through an incredibly boring new employee orientation. During which at some point this quote was said. It has stuck with me all day. Why is it that we all push ourselves to do something great? Should we instead focus on doing small things with great love for others as Mother Teresa suggests? Personally this seems to be a far easier task than searching for the cure for cancer per se , or infertility (as my mind often wonders to). I mean I can prepare breakfast for my son. I do this with more love for him than any love I've ever known. Does it not make more sense for me to just focus on this, on these things that I can control. Rather than some insurmountable task that just keeps me laying awake at night?  It's random things like this that I think about. But honestly, I mean who doesn't? Haven't we all filled ourselves with guilt/regret/burdens/ some point in time worrying about doing "great things" that weren't really possible or within our reach at all? Obviously we need someone out there to do great else would we have learned to slice bread? Or that singing contests make for great television? :) Anyway, this was just the thought in my mind today. Do something small for someone else today. After all it's the small things that count. It's that kind word, or little note, or unexpected wet slobbery kiss from a 1 yr. old. This is what really matters in life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome to the Midwest...

Well, looks like the little man still isn't in fighting condition but he seems to be getting a little better every day though.

Tonight Mike noticed that we've acquired quite the icicle outside Bennett's room. No worries...super Mom was to the rescue and knocked most of it down! Here are a few pictures of the view...
 Sergeant enjoying the snow
Big D!
 Huge icicle!!!

 Is it spring yet?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Following the trend...

Well, here you go...I'm officially a joiner. :) After much harassment I too have joined the ranks of bloggers. I have a feeling this is going to become my new favorite addiction. When thinking about starting this blog I wondered what I would write about? Would I write about being a new mom? Would I write about being a police wife? Would I write about my trials and tribulations in the kitchen or trying to be crafty? I guess I can just write about it all. My son, Bennett is 14 months old and the love of my life. I'm sure most of my posts will be about him.  He is sick right now the poor little guy. He's been battling diarrhea since Tuesday and threw up again tonight. We thought he was better but I guess we were wrong. Hopefully he can kick the sickness soon. According to the doc it's no big deal, and according to my mother it's just "the creeping crud."  Everything is "the creeping crud" to her. Well, I'm sure there will be more to say later but for now...good night.