Monday, January 24, 2011

Random thoughts today

"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." -Mother Teresa 

I spent the day today sitting through an incredibly boring new employee orientation. During which at some point this quote was said. It has stuck with me all day. Why is it that we all push ourselves to do something great? Should we instead focus on doing small things with great love for others as Mother Teresa suggests? Personally this seems to be a far easier task than searching for the cure for cancer per se , or infertility (as my mind often wonders to). I mean I can prepare breakfast for my son. I do this with more love for him than any love I've ever known. Does it not make more sense for me to just focus on this, on these things that I can control. Rather than some insurmountable task that just keeps me laying awake at night?  It's random things like this that I think about. But honestly, I mean who doesn't? Haven't we all filled ourselves with guilt/regret/burdens/ some point in time worrying about doing "great things" that weren't really possible or within our reach at all? Obviously we need someone out there to do great else would we have learned to slice bread? Or that singing contests make for great television? :) Anyway, this was just the thought in my mind today. Do something small for someone else today. After all it's the small things that count. It's that kind word, or little note, or unexpected wet slobbery kiss from a 1 yr. old. This is what really matters in life.


  1. I love this Ashley... it is all about the small things! I think people are so use to having those things they forget how much it really means to them! I tend to think about the small things a lot and also tell myself to take life day by day. If you are wishing or worrying about something that can't be changed RIGHT NOW... then you might miss something GREAT!

  2. The small things are what get you through the day. Even if I'm uncontrollably crying b/c C won't sleep- that small smile she'll give me lets me know I'm doing everything right. If it weren't for the small things- we'd have nothing
